Friday, December 29, 2006


1. Best Adsense format.
I'm going to let you know what is the best AdSense
format to choose. This is based on my own experience, as
well as other webmasters'.

Log on to your AdSense account, and click on the Ad
Settings tab. On the Ad Layout section, choose 336 x 280
Large Rectangle. You can also choose 300 x 250 Medium
Rectangle format.

Log on to your AdSense account, and click on the Ad
Settings tab. On the Ad Layout section, choose 336 x 280
Large Rectangle. You can also choose 300 x 250 Medium
Rectangle format.

For the border and background color, choose the same color
as your website background. The idea is to 'blend' the
AdSense ads to your website. In a simple English, this is
to let your AdSense ads look like they are a part of your
website. You can now copy the AdSense code and put it on
your website.

Now, where should you put your AdSense code?

Many AdSense experts agree that the best place to put
AdSense ads is on the top part of your website. The reason
behind this is obvious: To let your visitors notice the ads
as soon as they get into your website.

2. CTR
Here you'll discover how to increase your click-through rate (CTR) legally.

Notice: I said legally, coz there are many ways of
increasing CTR using illegal ways. And illegal ways will
get your account deleted by Google.

Here are some illegal ways. Please DON'T do these or your
account will be deleted by Google:

1- Don't tell your visitors to click the AdSense ads

Google says: "Web pages may not include incentives of any
kind for users to click on ads. This includes encouraging
users to click on the ads or to visit the advertisers'
sites as well as drawing any undue attention to the ads.
This activity is strictly prohibited in order to avoid
potential inflation of advertiser costs. For example, your
site cannot contain phrases such as "click here," "support
us," "visit these links," or other similar language that
could apply to any ad, regardless of content."

2- Don't click on your own ads

Google says: "Any method that artificially generates clicks
is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include
but are not limited to: repeated manual clicks, incentives
to click, using robots, automated clicking tools, or other
deceptive software. Please note that clicking on your own
ads for any reason is prohibited, to avoid potential
inflation of advertiser costs."

You can learn more on what you CANNOT do by reading Google
AdSense Program Policy located here:

Now, these are some of the legal ways that I use to
increase my CTR:

1- Blend the AdSense ads to your web pages. If you
remember, in previous email, I've mentioned about the color
of your ads background & border. Make sure you use the
appropriate color that matches your website background.

2- If you link to other websites, you can put the AdSense
ads on the top of these links. Make sure your visitors see
them first.

Here's a live example of AdSense ads that are 'blended' to
my webpage:

Okay. That's it for today. Try to do what you've learned
today and see the difference in your AdSense income.

On our next issue, we will discuss how you can profit from
AdSense with blog & RSS.

Recommended Reading:

Learn how to triple your AdSense click-through rate (CTR)
in 3 steps.

Step 1: Choose the right ad format and placement.
Step 2: Know the most valuable keyword to target.
Step 3: Creating lots of targeted content.

Visit this site to learn more about all these steps and boost
your CTR by 500% today!

To be continued...